The word CLASSIIIC means Christian Leaders Advanced Strategic Service Intensive Interactive and Interdenominational Course. It is not in any way restricted to the members of The Citadel Global Community Church alone, and it is my desire that we will transmit to participants what we have received from the Lord so that you can transmit it to others that will come your way hereafter. CLASSIIIC is not about Certification. CLICK TO KNOW MORE
September 1-5
I would consider it a waste of time, efforts and resources of attendees if this is just another church conference. I desire that you will understand the reason for CLASSIIIC so that you will ask God to enlarge your capacity to receive and retain the things that will be taught and be able to release them in your areas of primary assignment.
Between 1989/1990, the Holy Spirit directed me to start a Bible College in order to train men and women into whom I could pour myself to help me carry the load of what He’s given me to do. I have never been to a Bible College in my life, but have had the privilege to teach in most of the prestigious ones.
The word CLASSIIIC means Christian Leaders Advanced Strategic Service Intensive Course. It is meant to be Intensive, Interactive and Interdenominational. It is not in any way restricted to the members of Latter Rain Assembly (now CGCC) alone. It is my desire that we would give to you that we have received of the Lord so that you can transmit it to others that will come your way hereafter. CLASSIIIC is not about Certification. We were not first called Christians by God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, but first by the people in Antioch to describe a set of ordinary men doing extra-ordinary things. They were referred to as Christ-ones because they were Christ-like. Unfortunately, this word has become a religious label in our time. CLASSIIIC is not for babes least they get confused and chocked up due to a lack of understanding of the words they hear. It is not a gathering for infant Christians.
The Citadel Global Community Church (CGCC)