1Core Value definition
Embody Apostolic Doctrine for the NOW church relevant for the current generation as it relates to the different spheres of our lives.

We should redefine our societal values - Humility, Love, Faith, Hope, Compassion, Forgiveness.

All members to demonstrate good knowledge of the GAIN apostolic doctrine and GAIN operational guidelines.
2Program Engagement
It’s about getting more involved with what God is doing in the world to transform it.

Let's be known for having a reputation for doing good in our local communities.

Transformation Agents - seen to be driving desired change in our local communities.

Every member ministry, every state chapter should part-take in at least one transformative initiative per year, we can’t exercise dominion without working.

Our initiatives should affect any of the seven mountain of influence
3Profiling Excellence
Knowledge transfer.

Exporting the best solutions from the CGCC sanctuary and GAIN network to address our local problems.

Collaborating with GAIN members
4Support Structure
GAIN Administration Office.

Introduce the following key resource structures: workgroup across mountains, regional program sponsors, Mountain kings.

Monitoring and Evaluation
5Launch GAIN media/website
Develop GAIN media to capture, report and publish GAIN programs that make significant contributions across our network initiatives.

Showcasing the benefits of GAIN projects in addressing socio-economic and political problems in our local communities .

Helps improve communications within our network.

Educates people about what we are doing.
6Membership DriveIncrease Gain membership ratio across the network to include business leaders and politicians.

Encourage youth participation and related stakeholders.

We Will Grow Big, and global.

©2025 Global Apostolic Impact Network (GAIN) Developed By CGCC Multimedia Team


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