Gain metamorphosed over the years from a group with local influence to one that now has globalinfluence. It started in 1992 as Association of Independent Ministers (AIM) and then metamorphosed progressively to Association of Interdependent Ministers; then Apostolic Network Africa (ANA) then Global Transformational Network (GTN) and now Global Apostolic Impact Network (GAIN).

Gain is a network of Christian leaders and entrepreneurs who hold strongly to the doctrine of Christ and share the same purpose, manner of life and love for the kingdom of God in line with the vision received from God by the founder Dr Tunde Bakare. Gain is an organization made up of Church Ministers, entrepreneurs, and Corporate professionals who are in covenant relationship, making inputs the to ne another I’m working together with a common vision to maximize the end time harvest. Members of the network, wow for feeling the individual call giving mandate, see to work collaboratively from the various ministries, churches, kingdom businesses and establishments through January covenant relationships with one another towards the fulfillment of God’s ultimate purpose.

The network exist tool enthrone Jesus Christ as the King and the Lord in the center stage of people’s life. It seeks to prevent past blunders from destroying future destinies by working towards raising men and women of integrity and a ensuring that proper scriptural perspectives and patterns are upheld. Gain aspires to build a fascinating mosaic of Apostolic Christianity the face of the earth to proclaim God’s kingdom, Power and Glory to make ready a people prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 1:17). Essentially, its members offer hope to those who have fallen, strengthen those who are weak, and encourage those who are in the forefront of the battle to extend the frontiers of Christ’s Kingdom on earth.

©2025 Global Apostolic Impact Network (GAIN) Developed By CGCC Multimedia Team


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