GAIN offers membership in the network to church ministers, entrepreneurs and corporate professionals. Church ministers may wish to retain their credentials with other organisations but desire the fellowship, vision, resources and benefits that are afforded through GAIN.  The basic requirements from prospective GAIN members are evidence of:

  1. Born-again experience (John 3:3)
  2. Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4)
  3. Spirit filled life (Ephesians 5:18)
  4. Divine call to ministry (including church, business, and   career) Titus 1:7
  5. Be actively involved in the ministry
  6. Be in agreement with the Beliefs, Core Values and Ethics of this network.
  7. Maintain regular attendance at regional meetings, conferences and gain summits (or have valid reason for not attending).
  8. Recognition of the membership will be revoked if three GAIN annual conferences/summits in sequence are missed without notice or reasonable basis.

GAIN offers the following ministerial credential to qualified members:


This is issued to those persons who have been approved by GAIN as having practical experience in ministering to others. To qualify for GAIN licensing, the person must meet in addition to the initial membership requirements the following specific requirements:

  • Evidence of spiritual and chronological maturity
  • Purpose and personally commit to devote time to ministry work
  • Have adequate practical experience in preaching the word of God
  • Participation in the afternoon briefing session to be held prior to the commissioning service.

This is conducted on those persons who have been licensed with GAIN for at least two years. Licensing and Ordination are granted through GAIN. In order for credentials to be transferred from another organisation, they must be approved by the GAIN Advisory Board.

Business/Corporate Membership Requirements

Within GAIN, business is seen as the ministry of heaven and ministry as the business of heaven Area. The conditions for membership of the business/ corporate division of GAIN are as follows:

  1. The business purpose should include extending the frontier of God’s kingdom in the market place
  2. The business Chief Executive Officer and some of the management team must be committed Spirit filled believers who see themselves and operate faithfully as Christ’s ambassadors in the market place.
  3. The companies Memorandum and Articles of Association should spell out, where necessary, the embedded kingdom values.
  4. At intervals and in a manner not conflicting with the operational values of business and professionalism, the Organisation should conduct events showcasing the business as a platform for Christ to be seen and heard. (Luke 5:1-10)
  5. The business should be conducted in such a way that God’s grace for wealth and increase can know ceaselessly into it.
  6. The CEO and management team of the business or organisation must see themselves as stewards of God given resources and should ensure that their employees receive that which is just so that they can serve with singleness of heart. (Ephesians 6: 5-9 and Colossians 4:1).
  7. Every business or organisation in the network is deemed a financial partner of GAIN. Therefore, such businesses should support kingdom undertaking of GAIN as the spirit of God leads.
  • Applicant must meet the relevant qualifications indicated in the Membership Requirement above.
  • Applicant must complete and return an application form.
  • Applicant should enclose at least ₦1,000 (or its equivalent) non-refundable Application fees payable to GAIN, along with annual dues of ₦1,000 (or its equivalent)
  • Applicants Will be notified usually within 30 days of the receipts of the application of the decision to admit them or not
  • Old members can recommend those who want to join the network

All members of the GAIN, including those who hold credentials need to renew their membership annually. Continuance of credentials and membership is subject to approval by GAIN on the following conditions:

  1. Return of the annual membership report (also known as renewal form), which will be mailed to the applicant along with annual dues by 31st December of each year.
  2. Licensed and Ordained ministers must either preach at least 20 times during the year or be actively involved in ministry or be employed in management position in a church or be engaged in one of the five fold ministries.
  3. A decision will be notified to the applicant within 30 days of receipt of the annual membership Report and its subsequent review.

Note: Preaching is considered to be evangelistic or teaching type meetings carried out within or outside the church where the applicant or member is recognized as the set man, pastor or evangelists. OR EXECUTED an initiative, project within his Mountain, domain or professional lines.

  • Mountain Kings
  • Mentors
  • Administrators
  • State coordinators
  • GMU Team
  • Members
  • Program Developers

©2025 Global Apostolic Impact Network (GAIN) Developed By CGCC Multimedia Team


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