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12 Major Reasons Why God Sent Jesus To The World. By: Pastor Tunde Bakare.


This message is a follow up to the earlier Search the Scriptures teaching on the title (as earlier posted): Five Preliminary Issues Related To The Lord’s First Coming As Prophesied By Hosea The Prophet.

The Message

Reason 1

Jesus the son of God came to the Earth to take away the sins of the whole World so that the sons of men can become the sons of God.

John 1:29, John 1:11-13, John 3:16-18.

The mission of Jesus taking away the sins of the whole world is linked together with His making the sons of men become the sons of God otherwise we shall be behaving as mere men.

It is important to note the remarks of the Disciples of John “ …that all are coming to Him (Jesus)”- in John 3: 25-26. This is because the ministry of John was just to reveal Jesus.

John’s mission had ended with the declaration he made in John 1: 29-34. If John had ended his ministry at that stage and followed Jesus he would not have meddled with the marital issue in Matthew 14: 3-4.

1 John 1: 5-10, 1John 2:1-2. As believers sometimes we erroneously assume that ours is a group that is separated from the World, that Jesus died for us and not for the others.

As a matter of fact, you have no right to call someone an unbeliever until you have presented the Gospel to them intelligently and they choose to reject.

Until you live a life of a Christian before them which is called life-style Evangelism that people can say we want to be like you, 1 John 3 1-6.

It is for the purpose of taking away our sins and making us the sons of God that the Saints of God are predestined to be conformed to the image of the son of God, Romans 8:28-30.

Christ has come so that we may be reformed and transformed.

Our new image is not like Adam; as we are born in the image of the mark of the Earth so we shall bear the image of the Heavenly man. The image of Adam is the fallen man.

The last Adam came to show us the expressed image of God. What that image looks like is described in Hebrews 1:1-4.

God did not give us His only begotten Son in a vacuum.

If father Abraham had not given his only begotten son, God possibly will not give His. This is the Truth we have refused to learn: you do not understand that God is counting on you and God is waiting on you, rather you think you are waiting on God.

The way you respond to God is the way he responds to you, Hebrews 11:17.

God so loved the world but Abraham so loved God and obeyed Him.

May God count on you and may you be a witness of Him in your generation. God will always have a man in every generation it does not matter whether others are not obeying Him.

He needs just only one man, Jeremiah 5:1. May God make you the one man He can count on.
The same principle is what happened when God opened the windows of heaven, Genesis 7:12.

Another example was when manna was to come for the Children of Israel, Psalm 78: 23-24 James 4:8, John 17:10.

Reason 2

Jesus came so that those who walk in darkness can see great light.

Nothing stops darkness like light, Isaiah 9:1-2.

If Jesus has brought light to those who sat in darkness and hope to those pinned down by forces of corruption and perversion then Jesus is more than just a Saviour.

He is the Salvation which God has prepared before the face of all the people alive to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and He is the Glory of God’s people – Israel, Luke 2:25-32, Acts 4: 8-12.

Reason 3

Jesus came to the world to show us how to do the Will of God.

He is our pattern our true model for doing the Will of God. Jesus the last Adam and the second man from Heaven came to the World to showcase how to do the Will of God –

John 4:34, Hebrews 10:5-10, John 3:25-26, Psalm 40:4-11.

The moment you delight to do God’s will, you do not need to pray for blessing because you are already blessed, Psalm 1:1-3.

Jesus came to model Psalm 40: 4-11 which is quoted in Hebrews 10: 5-10. Jesus has modelled for us to do the Will of God. Our path is to come boldly to the Throne of Grace to receive mercy and grace in time of need.

If you are being tempted it is time to step boldly to the Throne of Grace to receive help because of what Christ has done. You cannot do it by your own strength.

Only one person can live a Christian life and that person is Christ.

When you cannot discern it His Word will expose it, Galatians 7:20, Philippians 2:12-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Hebrews 10:19-25.

This third reason underscores the CGCC benediction, Hebrews 13:20-21.

Reason 4

Jesus came to show us the leadership style of the Kingdom of God.

It is not based on negotiation, Matthew 20:1, Mark 10:37. He taught leadership in Matthew 20: 20-28, Mark 10:35-45.

He established sound leadership style of God’s Kingdom that service is not unto greatness but service is greatness. You can serve without a title.

He came to demonstrate servant leadership and drove the lesson home in John 13:1-17, 1 John 5:1-5.

Reason 5

Jesus was sent to the Earth with a unique Destiny.

His Destiny is for the fall and rise of many in Israel. This is to raise ordinary Galileans to be speaking mysteries and replace or displace the religious leaders of their days,

Luke 2: 33-35, Luke 10: 17-20, John 12: 31-32.

Reason 6.

The prince of peace came to the world to bring the sword of division.
Matthew 10: 24-42, John 16:32-33.

To be continued…

You Can Watch The Full Message Here

Author: Admin

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