Text: Psalm 30:1-12, Psalm126:1-6

God specializes in turning things around for His people but He will first start by turning their life around.

For everyone that lines up with God’s plan and purposes in 2023, God will turn their mourning into dancing, sadness into gladness, and tears into laughter.

The turnaround God did to David made him write Psalm 30. He did not allow his enemies to rejoice over him. Your enemies will not rejoice over you. Amen

His transition from the cave to a Palace of Cedar was a work of grace which inspired him to become generous towards God and made him think of building a house for God, 2 Samuel 7:1-17.

The way you respond to God is the way God responds to you.

God responded to David’s generosity by giving him an enduring dynasty.

God made him captain over the nations of the earth, experiencing conquest after conquest.

When you desire to be rich towards God He will open resources from heaven and cause you to be stupendously wealthy.

David was saved from near-death situations, Psalm 30:2-3.

Everyone with a death sentence on your life because of sickness/ disease your appointment with death is cancelled and God will turn around your situation.

David was given triumphant joy such that all the years of suffering and living in the cave were seen like only one night. Psalm 30:3-4.

David knew the source of his strength and prosperity and ascribed both to God’s favour, Psalm 30:6-7.

Prioritize God in 2023 and pray that His Holy Spirit should not be taken from you.
David highlighted what happened when God hid from him. He cried out for the mercy of God because God was his helper, Psalm 30:7-10.

Are you in serious trouble? Cry out to God for mercy. He is the very present help in times of need. He will not hide His face from you. He will not take His mercy from you in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace from the beginning of the year till the end of the year in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

David’s turnaround took him far away from the firing range of his enemies. No one could silence his praise and thanksgiving.

If the enemy cannot steal your praise or joy he cannot keep your good.

No matter what happens this year you are going to praise God, you are going to be joyful in His presence, and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard and guide your heart in the Name of Jesus. No circumstance, situation or person will silence your praise or steal the turn of your thanksgiving. Your testimony will scream louder than your voice in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Miracles performed by the Creative Word.

The Citadel was spoken into existence.

A new Nigeria is here being spoken into existence no one will stop it. The lamp of the wicked will quench, righteous men will come to the mountain and all pigs will drown.

2 kings chapter 4 showcases a list of miracles by the Creative Word in the ministry of Elisha.
The miraculous release of a widow from debt, 2 Kings 4: 1-8.

The pouring of oil into empty vessels does not make sense but God turned the ridiculous into the miraculous.

The year 2023 is the year of your rest; lack will not frustrate you and poverty will not torment you.

The Shunammite woman who through her perception caused the Creative Word of Elisha to turn her barrenness to fruitfulness and restoration of her son to life, 2 Kings 4: 8-36.

The poison in the pot, 2 kings 4: 36-41

You will eat deadly things they will not hurt you. By the authority of God, every cancer or ulcer patient in the house or online is hereby prayed for to receive healing as the cancer cells are commanded to dry up. There is no poison in your pot. The Lord will bless your bread and water, and give healing, health and wholeness to you.

The feeding of a hundred people, 2 Kings 4: 42-44.
In your household, you will eat and there will be leftovers. You will experience a creative turnaround in the area of your finance. In the area of the fruit of the womb, He will turn around your barrenness to fruitfulness. Your debts are cancelled. As you are generous towards God you will eat and have leftovers.

What you need for turnaround is in your house you will not run Helter skelter.

You are going to negotiate for your own pay from a position of strength. Everything the enemy has taken from you shall be restored sevenfold. *When it happens do not turn your back on God.

Fear will grip the mind of many in 2023, they will die but you will live and declare the works of the Lord.


Author: Admin

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