The focus of the message was on the bedrock of Effective Communication.
Bedrock is what makes effective communication itself the exclusive preserve of believers and not the emotional reason we can all add to establish our superiority over the ungodly. That is what gives us an advantage over others who have not yielded their lives to Christ.
A Review of Previous Messages.
The difference between oratory skills and effective communication was established.
Oratory skill was defined asĀ an art of public speaking, especially formally and eloquently. It is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience which is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person to a group of listeners.
It is characterized by the use of such phrases that appeal chiefly to emotions which Apostle Paul referred to as enticing or persuasive words of man’s wisdom, 1 Corinthians 2: 1-5.
Effective Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge and data so that the message is understood with clarity and purpose.
When we communicate effectively both the sender and the receiver are satisfied.
That a monkey can speak English does not make it an Englishman, in a like manner speaking Christianese does not make you a Christian nor does oratory skill make you an effective communicator.
Anytime you are on the platform to preach based on self-confidence then watch out if your call is doubtful.Ā
If such happens it is an oratory skill and prowess that are pushing you not necessarily an utterance given by the Holy Spirit.
Always pray that God will not let your word lead anybody astray; that nobody will after listening to your message go back to his or her old way of life.
Godās elevated speech in 1 Corinthians 2:6-12 is different from the persuasive words of human wisdom.
By Effective Communication, His effective words show us how we can access the things given to us by the Spirit of the living God.
Except grace is poured upon our lips and until we are endowed by God’s wisdom, tongue and ears of the learned as well as understanding heart we cannot deploy Effective Communication as we should though many of us may be powerful orators.
Additional truth to know.
Additional truth to know is whereas oratory speech can be deployed for good or for evil, but by design and nature Effective Communication can only be deployed for good. This is where the exclusive preserve of the Church comes in.
While the ungodly may possess oratory skills and prowess they do not have the spiritual tool for Effective Communication.
Deployment of oratory skills for good. Apollos a case study Acts 18:24-26.
His Attributes.
-Apollos was a believer.
-He was eloquent and persuasive in speaking.
– He was mighty in Scripture.
-Instructed in the way of the Lord.
-Fervent in SpiritĀ
-He spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord.
-He was limited in revelation as he knew only the Baptism of John.
-In spite of this limitation he spoke boldly in the Synagogue.
The question is: You, that have all the revelation, where have you spoken boldly? Is it only when you are angry? Do you keep mute when it comes to communicating the truth about the Gospel?
It was because Apollos manifested the attributes listed above that gave him the opportunity to meet Priscila and Aquila who called him aside and explained the way of God more adequately.
Like Apollos, if you are able to speak boldly about the things you are instructed in or about, an opportunity will present itself for someone behind the scene to call you aside and give you a more accurate explanation.
It should be noted that Priscila and Aquila did not embarrass Apollos; the explanation given by them was an act of Effective Communication.Ā
Apollos thereby increased in stature from being an Orator to becoming an Effective communicator, Acts 18:27-28.
The case of Apollos underscores the importance of our Community Impact Bible Study (CIBS).Ā
The CIBS affords you the opportunity like Apollos to be mighty in the scripture, and fervent in spirit.
It enlarges your capacity to receive, retain and be able to deploy every time occasion demand.
Paulās charges to Timothy in the following passages are instructive: 2 Timothy 1:13-14, 2 Timothy 2: 15-26, and 2 Timothy 3 3: 14-17.
You are enjoined to prioritize CIBS.
Deployment of oratory skills for evil. Tertullus a case study, Acts 24:1-9.
None of the likes of Tertullus can win because to the Lord, such a person is an abomination, Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 12:17-22.
Paul used elevated speech and Effective Communication based on truth and fact to set aside and overthrow the falsehood and lies of Tertullus the orator, Proverbs 24:26, Proverbs 27:6, Acts 24:10-23.
The Scriptural Bedrock of Effective Communication.
Bedrock means the fundamental principle on which something is based.Ā
No better rock than the Rock of God, Luke 6:46-49.
The bedrock of Effective Communication is in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
In addition to the four major scriptures examined in Part 1 and Part 2 of this message, four more texts of the scripture will be examined with live application.
Already the following things have been established above as being necessary for you to have Effective Communication:
–Grace on your lips
-the tongue of the learned
-ear of the learned
-understanding heart.
In Exodus 4:10-12 we see that:
-God was the mouth of Moses and taught him what to say. ThatĀ Effective Communication is demonstrated in Deuteronomy 31:30, 32:1-4.
The mouth that is trained by God will impact both Heaven and Earth as it proclaims the Name of the Lord and ascribes greatness to our God.
The above is applicable to the New Testament Saint, Luke 21:7-15, Acts 6:8-10.
Words spoken by such men as Moses and Stephen did not fall to the ground because God put it in their mouths.
The same thing happened to Samuel as a child, 1 Samuel 3:19-21.
The highest manifestation of God is that of His Words.Ā
Reading 1 Kings 17:1-4 and 1 Kings 18:1, one may ask who told Elijah to declare that there would be no rain or dew except by his word. It was not God because Elijah said āaccording to my wordā.
Elijah knew what to do, and how to pronounce and execute the judgment of God that is written upon the people.
Even at his word, the rain had not started falling when Elijah picked the sound in the spirit, 1 Kings 18:41.
The same experience can happen to us today, James 5:17-18.
When God puts such Words in your mouth He will work with the word you speak to establish Heaven and lay the foundation on Earth, Isaiah 51:15-16.
Exodus 33:12-23, Moses did not see the face of God until the meeting on Mount Transfiguration.Ā
āMy backā referred to in Exodus 33:23 is about what God did in the past.Ā It was at this point that Moses received the statement āat the beginning God created Heaven and EarthāĀ He was not there but it was downloaded in his spirit immediately.Ā
When God hides you in the Shadow of His hands, He will reveal things that will give you confidence on the day of battle.
It is what God did in the past that will give you confidence in the future.
The Word of God can turn a wild beast into a docile lamb.
All election panic in our land shall become an election picnic.
Daniel 10:1-19 gives a powerful revelation of how the Devil and evil can be shifted.
The Prince of Persia was shifted so that open Heaven came over the people who were living in captivity.
Nigeria’s hour has come for the Prince of Nigeria to be shifted, for Heaven to open over this territory and for Godās plan and purpose to come down to this Nation.
With such words in your mouth, God can set you over the Kingdom and Nations for His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.Ā
The power and bedrock of Effective Communication, Jeremiah 1:1-4, Titus 1: 1-5, 10-14, Revelation 10: 1-11.
Whenever such words are lacking there will be no divine direction for a Nation or the people. The enemy will have a field day, and play with the people because there is no longer a Prophet.
This is the sorry case of the Church and our Nation Nigeria.
In the absence of a clear vision, the people perish and many Prophets will rise to say the things the people will like to hear.
Not long any more. In a few weeks the wild beast will become the docile lamb and the fear of the Lord will come upon them.
In such a time when there is a cacophony of voices genuine prophets and those who fear God must pray to Him to put a padlock in the mouth of the evildoers, Psalm 141:3-4, 8-10.
What looks impossible will become possible.
National bondage and captivity are not forever.Ā
The day we make our mind to obey the Words of the Lord sent to us through the Prophet, that same day will our freedom be guaranteed, Exodus 12:50-51.
God only needs one person to deliver His people from captivity, Hosea 12:13.
The King will reign in righteousness and justice will rule by peace, Isaiah 24:24-26..
Lord, you will confirm the word of your Servant and perform the counsel of your Messengers. Arise oh Lord in our Nation Nigeria; deliver Nigeria from the grip of the wicked before the election in February. Give us leaders after your own heart who will do all Your Will in our Nation in the Name of Jesus.
Ā Now is the time for God to step into the terrain and begin to reign.Ā
Your eyes will see what your ears have heard.Ā
This is the cutting-edge advantage of Believers which the Word of God in their mouths for Effective Communication over all orators, soothsayers and smooth talkers.Ā
This is Effective Communication, the key that opens all doors in the universe.