War Against Rebellion, Stubbornness And Idolatrous Practices

This message was preached By: Pastor Tunde Bakare.

Text: Galatian 4:1-16, Galatian 2: 6-9, 18-23, 1 Thessalonian 1:5-10.


We are launching a new war today so the enemy will have no chance whatsoever to strike, as he knows how to strike when the guards are let down. 

We are launching a serious war while we thank God for His faithfulness in those 34 years. 

The best thing we can do now is to purpose in our hearts and receive a new command to break and dismantle every work of the enemy in our territory of influence, individually and collectively.

Our level of obedience to God will determine the level of authority and power we can exercise in His Kingdom.

If we are properly set under authority for God to command us at any time He wills, we can also command the adversary to lose its grip and hold upon the people and their circumstances. We launch a fresh congregational total war on every area of our life that could hinder our total obedience to God.

Message Focus.
Along with the four scriptural texts captioned above, 1 Thessalonian 2: 1-12 shows how Paul accomplished the war against rebellion, stubbornness and idolatrous practices. 

-In CGCC there has never been a  preconceived idea to tailor preaching to make the congregation act in a particular way.

-The Church raises people, not money.  

-Your giving cannot be manipulated and expect God to open the windows of Heaven and bless you. 

-Nothing can replace Spirit-led generosity. 

-Walking worthy of God is the end product of this war against rebellion, stubbornness and idolatrous practices. 

-To stress the need for the Church to grow numerically, an illustration was made during the just concluded Apostolic summit: of a certain big hotel, with many rooms, yet only one guest. Despite the abysmally low occupancy, for poor power supply, the hotel management had a 1000kva generator all day to power its facilities. Obviously, the hotel would not break even for the heavy running cost. 

-Isaiah 5:1-7 captures the illustration. 

CGCC is a Church like no other. In the book of Revelation, seven letters were written to seven Churches. 

-This was because each of them had its peculiar strength, weakness, territory of influence, unique style and prescribed assignment. 

-However, there are Epistles of general application in the Bible, Colossians 4:16. 

-Every church must be self-supporting, self-propagating and self-governed, Colossian 4:17.  

-Missionaries that are being financially supported on a continuous basis without tangible results are merely on vacation overseas away from home.   

-A Missionary with tangible results in his mission location will after a while become self-supporting and self-propagating without transferring their burdens to others, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 22:35-38. 

-Missionaries need no qualification other than the indwelling of the Spirit of God to do signs and wonders. With this people will pay attention to them and they will not beg for resources, 2 Corinthians 8: 

-It is not wrong to support Missionaries but doing so on a continuous basis without stopping is wrong. 

-Missionary’s work must be evaluated. 

-They should emulate Paul whose hands provided for his necessities and of those with him. Although at the beginning of his missionary work, Paul received support from his Philippian partners, Philippians 4:15-20. 

-Missionary work should not be done in such a way that someone is depending on a source instead of being independent, Acts 20: 28-35.

-It is wrong to tell the Church that their needs are in their seeds. It is God that gives the seed to the sower and by Spirit-led generosity He will show them where to put the Seed, Acts 18:1-3. 

-He who shall not work shall not eat. 

-God does not give a vision without provision.

-May you never become a victim of the black man dilemma, Song of Solomon 1: 5-6.

-Stay focused. Mind your business. Know the assignment that God gives you.

-It is not wrong to bear one another’s burden, Galatians 6:2-5.


Author: Admin

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