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New Year Gathering – Day 3. The Breeding Ground for Creative Thinking. By, Pastor Tunde Bakare.

Thought is the father of action, for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Psalm 46:1-7.

We need to ask ourselves what the breeding ground for creative thinking is. Proverbs 8:12 (KJV); 1 Cor. 1:18-25,30.

In Isaiah 40:13-14, Isaiah asked who has taught or instructed the Spirit of God. And Paul answered it in 1 Cor. 2:9-16. We have the mind of Christ.


1.If Christ, the Wisdom of God, indwells us and we have the mind of Christ, where then are our witty inventions of the likes of Apple and Microsoft?

In many ways, religion has robbed us of seeking them.

If you don’t change, you will be removed from the competition, just as it happened to Nokia.
The key is to always improve yourself.

2.Why are the major tech innovations revealed to Buddhists, Atheists, and Agnostics?*

There are two reasons.

First is that Joel said the Spirit will be poured on all flesh, not just Christians (Joel 2:28).

Second is that God wants to provoke His people to jealousy, (Deut. 32:7-21; Hosea 2:1-8,21-23).

3.As believers, what then is the breeding ground for creative thinking?
The breeding ground for creative thinking is friendship with God (John 15:14-15).

When you become God’s friend, everything He knows will be revealed to you. And we are His friends if we obey His Commandments.

Obeying God is the secret of the legacy wealth created by Abraham who became the friend of God forever. 2 Chronicles. 20:7.

As Sons and Daughters and Friends of God, He has endowed us with wisdom.

It is time we arose to the reality that we are Royalty and need to carry ourselves accordingly.

Joseph was someone who had foresight and farsight that led to oversight. All the setbacks that Joseph went through were to prepare him for the day of elevation. Genesis 41:1-16.

Pharaoh identified the Spirit of God as the source of Joseph’s wisdom. Genesis 41:38.

There was communication between God and Joseph as Pharaoh was narrating his dream. Psalm 85:8-10.

And when Joseph spoke the right answer that God gave him, that led to his elevation and oversight.

If Joseph had been one to keep malice or anger against Mrs Potiphar and his brothers who sold him, God would not have promoted him. So let’s go of any pain you may have and let God.

Daniel also had foresight and farsight that led to oversight. In Daniel’s case, Nebuchadnezzar did not remember his dream.

That dream was so that the three companions of Daniel could be released from captivity and elevated. Daniel 2:27-30,46-49.

You must know that all things work together for your good–

God created the furore around Nebuchadnezzar because He wanted to elevate His people. So bear it in mind that all the problems around you are there because God has positioned you as the solution – all for your elevation.

The dream began with thoughts in Nebuchadnezzar’s mind, speaking to the importance of thoughts.

The elevation of Daniel was unusual and uncommon because he and his brethren came as captives.

Note that your stature is changing.

God will speak once and you will hear twice.

In this season, the Spirit will download solutions to difficult problems, even as you sleep. So sleep with a parchment beside you and be ready to receive.

You Can Watch The Full Message Here

Author: Admin

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