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Bridging The Gap Between The Heaven And the Earth As Well As The Spiritual And The Natural By: Pastor Tunde Bakare.
We are going to see how Heaven and Earth become our portion, and how we can do the natural supernaturally; also how we can do the supernatural naturally.
That is the way God designed us to function as believers and Saints of God.
In part one of this message we examined the two ways the bible described God as the Creator and the Redeemer. The two descriptions point out clearly that God is the one who gives us both the natural life and the spiritual life.
Message Focus.
Bridging the gap between the Heaven and Earth is not a New Age concept. We are the ones that have tasted the Power of the Age to come. We do not preach New Age.
That which our eyes have seen, our hearts have heard and our hands have handled that is what we are going to present before you to see that God is with us from beginning to the end. Your destiny cannot be controlled by Satan and circumstances.
The celebration of the two gifts of God is interwoven. As you find God being praised and celebrated as the Redeemer, you see Him also being worshiped as the Creator and vice versa.
It is worthy of note that God in His capacity as the Creator and Redeemer frustrates the tokens of liars, makes diviners mad and turns the wisdom of wise men into foolishness.
Interestingly, as God does that He simultaneously confirms the words of His Servants and fulfills the counsel of His Messengers, Isaiah 44: 21-26.
Most believers on this side of the Cross of Christ think they are the only people that are redeemed.
They do not consider that the likes of Abraham, the Father of faith, David and Jacob were redeemed, 1 Kings 1: 28-30, Isaiah 29: 22-24.
These Patriarchs are seen to belong to the Old Testament. People with such thoughts do not bear in mind that the Lamb of God was slain even before the foundation of the Earth.
There are many things we do not consider because we do not have the whole counsel of God.
Rhetorical Questions.
Is the fact that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and for ever doubted?
Has He suddenly divided everything into old and New, no longer capable of springing surprises?
Did creation stop in Genesis at the Garden of Eden?
Is God still creating now?
Did Redemption stop at Calvary?
Truth be told, we are saved, are being saved and shall be saved. We are delivered, being delivered and shall be delivered. He created then, He is creating now and He is still going to create.
The Gift of God As The Creator.
The Bible begins with God’s gift, Genesis 1:1 stating “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.”
The question is – which is better than the other, the Heavens or the Earth?
The same person who created the Heavens created the Earth through the same process – the Word of the Lord.
The timeless Word of our God without any shadow of doubt.
He is the Creator regardless of what science teaches.
Male and female God created mankind, none is greater than the other.
The first Word He spoke to them was “See I have given you…” Genesis 1:29. This statement underscores the basis of our relationship with God.
There is nothing we want to offer God that He does not have. The whole creation is the Gift of God to mankind.
God did not create the Heavens for Himself but for mankind.
When you consider God as the Creator the first thing that will hit you is His Extravagance and Lavish Generosity.
Think about the following:
A Universe large with gigantic Galaxies positioned out of sight. There are about 2 trillion Galaxies in the observable Universe, about two hundred billion trillion stars.
The light of some stars would have traveled 4 years before reaching the planet Earth.
God is bigger than you think.
Considering the planet Earth teeming with life, having enormous varieties of plants and creations, fish in the sea, birds of the air, beasts of the field, insects, reptiles etc.
God is an incredibly extravagant giver.
His creation did not stop at Eden, neither has He finished creating, Psalm 104: 5-30.
For the Nation like New Nigeria that is yet to be created the time and season will come right in our lifetime in the Name of Jesus.
We are drawing to His final creating act when He will make all things beautiful, Revelation 21:1-8.
Verse 1 of Revelation 21 is about the union of Heavens and Earth where there will be no separation.
When John was in the Island of Patmos, the sea separated him from the believers he was to send his letter to. But in the union of the new Heaven and the new Earth there would be nothing to stop them from getting what God has given to them.
The Book of Revelation is being read today because there is no more hindrance separating John from the people he was sent to.
Verse 6, of the passage, emphasizes God as a Generous Giver past, present and future.
That is His Generous Nature.
The Gift of God As The Redeemer. God as a Redeemer is also a Giver.
When the gift of the Earth was damaged He sent His Son to do the repair.
Giving is fundamental to the character of God.
The generous giving of God should no be limited to the giving of daily bread when He can give you the whole bakery that will feed the entire Nation.
Salvation is a gift, Ephesians 2: 8-9.
Redemption is a gift.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 1: 7-8, Colossians 1:12-14, Titus 2:11-14.
You are bought at a price which God paid.
God had figured out your challenges before you prayed, Isaiah 65:24. It can therefore be irritating to God whenever you say that it was after the prayer you prayed that God moved.
Just as creating did not end in the Garden of Eden, redemption also did not stop at Calvary, Romans 8:18-23, Ephesians 4:29-30.
Justification is a gift.
It is the opposite of condemnation. As a result of this gift we are pardoned in spite of our guilt.
The term discharged and acquitted will be used for someone who is found not guilty, but justification is used for someone found guilty but pardoned.
Justification is done through redemption, Romans 3:23-24, Romans 5: 15-18.
Reconciliation is a gift. Throughout the bible it is found that sinners are enemies of God. They cannot just be reconciled to God except someone pays the price. Jesus came to reconcile us with the Father. Jesus did not die for you but died as you, Galatians 2:20.
Righteousness is a download of reconciliation. Righteousness will not come to us except grace has been poured out. It is because we are reconciled that He took our sins and we took His righteousness.
Gift of His love.
John 3:16, Ephesian 2:4-10 Romans 5:15-18.
When God created man there was no separation between spirit, soul and body.
Man was formed out of the dust of the Earth and He released into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.
The living soul is the bridge between the spirit of man and the body of man.
The three of them act in unison. It is when Adam died that the soul died. The soul that sin shall die.
The wages of sin is death.
When the soul is dead there is no more connection between the spirit and the natural.
When the Son of God (the life giving Spirit) comes into you, your soul is alive, you become a quickened spirit, you connect Heaven and Earth.
To be in heaven is not to die, it is to be in the Spirit.
Except you know this you keep on dichotomizing Heaven and Earth, secular and sacred, spiritual and natural, time and eternity thus forgetting that eternity is written in the heart of man.
Everything that you are looking for is within you.
Jesus was first called the Carpenter before being called Rabbi.
Was the carpentry work that He did secular or spiritual?
Secular means without God.
Here lies the folly of our understanding such that when a man is praying or preaching he is considered spiritual and when he is playing football he is considered being secular.
If you show love, mercy, kindness you are doing spiritual work as you are doing that; the bulk of the people that will take the message to the end of the Earth are those people who are working.
The Bible says whatsoever you lay your hands upon shall prosper.
It is God who will prosper it because the one who created the spiritual, created the material.
He wants you to enjoy both. No bird can fly with one wing.