The Master Key That Opens All Doors In The Universe


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Pastor, a question was asked, you said a Baby will be born within 5 days.

Where is the Baby?
It should be noted that in Matthew 2, only the Shepherd knew of the birth of the new Baby, the king and the wise men did not know until after two years.

Except you are in the Spirit you cannot see it. It was until after 2 years that the Wise Men came and told the king about how long ago they saw the Star. The murderer wanted to kill Him but He had escaped. No one can kill this new baby.

Faith does not live in denial of reality. Friday 24 February 2023 is the naming ceremony of the Baby that was born last Friday.

Deuteronomy 20: 1-4. You are going to learn the fear of God, Mark 11: 22-24. The horse is prepared for the day of the battle but victory is of the Lord, Proverbs 21:31. 

If Jesus commands your destiny no circumstance, no situation, ancestral curses, man, woman and no force of hell can be against you. If it is Christ that commands your destiny, you will receive grace to fulfil it.

Message Focus.
The focus was on the power of your tongue. In this context lips, mouth and tongue were used interchangeably because they are all connected.

The most powerful part of the physical body is the tongue, Proverbs 18:4,  

The lesson from this verse: the word that comes from man’s mouth can be a flood to either drown people or rejuvenate them. It also relates to the mouth of a wise man. 

Think of how many people have been drowned by the water released from your mouth, Revelation 12:15.

Proverbs 18:6-8 states what proceeds from the lip of a Fool and a Talebearer.  (Talebearer is a gossip or a slanderer, trifles mean wound and innermost body means a room of the belly).

Gossip or slandering can wound your innermost being. 

Talebearers promote strife in families and churches. They separate a team of friends, Proverbs 26:20-28. Do not let your ear become a deport for the garbage they carry.

Texts of the Scriptures should guide us in the way we carry ourselves and invest our time with idiots.

Idiots are those who are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, 2 Timothy 3:7. 

Those who are prepared to learn from others become knowledgeable and wiser.  

Those who are set on their ways will in no time dry up like a withered leaf of a tree, Proverbs 13:20.

You don’t need to be extraordinarily wise; all you need is to be in the company of wise men and learn from them.

There are many people that have been found guilty by wrong association.

Do not die before your time by associating with idiots.

Proverbs 17:16.
This verse talks about brain capacity, the ability to memorize and regurgitate but not a heart for wisdom. Hearers are not blessed only the doers are.

Proverbs 17:24
A wise and discerning heart is the container of wisdom. God gave this to Solomon.  

The Heroes of a fool are not biblical icons of faith, nor men of righteousness and of integrity. They are those with vast net worth and networks.
The moment they show up with the Deep-Pockets, they throw caution to the wind.

Proverbs 23:23.
This means that you have embraced a principle that has worked all along in your life; you are set free from error by it and somebody with charisma now walks in to sell you a dummy and you abandon all you have learned to follow the wimp. You have sold the truth.

Proverbs 27:22.
A genuine man of God must rule his house with gravity. And everyone under his influence must gravitate towards the truth. There is a reason why God put you in a family with a father and mother.

You cannot now grow up to say that your father or mother no longer has an influence upon your life. That amounts to foolishness.

God give me a heart of wisdom and understanding, deliver me from a stubborn, hell-bent, doing my own way attitude. Help me Lord and deliver me from stupidity, set me free. I don’t want to be ignorant on fire. I want to carry your grace as you did for Solomon. Give me the heart of Christ who is greater than Solomon. Let me operate with the mind of Christ in me all the days of my life in Jesus Mighty Name.

The tongue of the Wise and Tongue of a Fool in Action.

Proverbs 18:20-21
Your tongue is the most powerful part of your physical body.
No other part of the body is created with the power of life and death.

Humans are the only creation of God that has the ability to choose their words. The power of your tongue is ruled by the choice of your word.

Words are the container of power that creates action. They build up and tear down.

Words have the power to bring life or death.

Physical emotional death can also be as a result of hateful words spoken in rage or anger.

What the trigger is to the gun is what the tongue is to our life.

The tongue has a great power to heal and to destroy, to bless and to curse, to bring joy or to cause mystery, to preserve life or destroy it.  

How are you using your tongue?

You can change your world by the word you speak, 1 Chronicles 4:10.

The course of life is often determined by the wisdom or foolishness of our words, Proverbs 20:15.

Just like Job made a covenant with his eyes in Job 31:1 and Daniel did propose in his heart, Daniel 1:8 not to defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacy; you must this day make a covenant with your mouth not to lead you into sin.

Psalm 39:1, Psalm 141:3-4, Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 21:23.

This is the reason why God gives a new tongue to a new creation. It is a tool for Effective Communication.

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Author: Admin

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